Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How Do SonarG and Information Insights Solve Common Infrastructure Optimization Issues for your Existing Guardium Deployments?

Partnering for Even More Secure Enterprise Data Infrastructure

Earlier this year, Information Insights announced a partnership with jSonar, enhancing data security capabilities with the SonarG solution for further optimizing Guardium environments. Led by Ron Ben Natan, former CTO/founder of Guardium, this additional layer of protection takes advantage of next-generation Big Data technology to enhance and expand the platform’s resources in a number of key areas.

Since that announcement, I’ve met with many of jSonar’s Guardium clients to discuss SonarG, receiving feedback on our approach, along with insight into current challenges and goals for expanding the functionality and value that they get from Guardium. 

We were quickly able to pinpoint the source of SonarG’s enthusiastic adoption - it provides a powerful set of capabilities that perfectly complement the challenges and goals that the majority of Guardium deployments are facing.

Over the next few weeks, we will outline the findings from these conversations to address common concerns from customers, along with insight into how these are solved via SonarG – focusing on three major areas of enterprise data management: infrastructure optimization, improving data access and enabling security analytics.